Annual Report 2021-22

102 疫情期間及疫情後新常態下各個部 門的服務亮點 遙距傳遞關懷 我們邀請服務使用者設計就業鼓勵咭及生日 咭,連同防疫禮物包寄送至精神復元人士及殘 疾人士,給予他們關心及鼓勵。另外,我們改 以線上形式舉行小組活動,讓服務使用者在疫 情下可互相支持。 宣揚健康活動 我們透過舉行一連串健康活動予服務使用者, 從而提倡正向健康文化及宣揚關顧自身健康的 訊息,而且希望正面推廣更生人士形象,提升 社區人士的健康意識。活動包括由僱員再培訓 局營養顧問學員提供健康、飲食分析及諮詢, 以及服務使用者在社區示範健康操。 此外,我們參與由華懋集團舉辦的「如心同行 叮!叮!叮!」,邀請服務使用者登上特色電 車,讓他們既能認識本土歷史,又可以來一場 舒心解壓的小旅行。 Service Highlights for Each Branch in the New Normal during and after the Epidemic Extending Distant Care We invited service users to design gift cards, and show their care and support towards persons in mental recovery and disabled persons by mailing them the cards and anti-epidemic materials. Also, we held online group activities so that service users could support each other during the epidemic. Promoting Health Programmes In order to cultivate healthy culture and promote positive image of offenders, we launched a series of health programmes. Trainees of Foundation Certificate in Nutrition Therapist Assistant Training from ERB conducted health and diet assessment or consultation. Moreover, service users demonstrated health exercise. We joined “Hearts in Motion Ding! Ding! Ding!” organised by The Chinachem Group, and invited service users to hop abroad the unique tram for not only understanding the local history, but also enjoying a relaxing tram-ride trip. 社創社培訓 — 與不同種族人士合作設計社創項目。 BEHub Training — Co-worked with people of diverse race to design social innovative project. 服務製作一系列健康相關的帖文,並在社交平台發 放,宣揚健康意識。 We created a series of health-related posts and published on Facebook to promote health awareness.