Annual Report 2021-22

108 疫下服務無間斷 與教育局合作 — 和諧校園網絡計劃 二零二一至二零二二年度,社區教育及預防 犯罪服務與教育局合作推行「和諧校園網絡計 劃」,分別有 5 間小學及 5 間中學參與。透過工 作坊及校本支援,培育同學成為和諧校園大 使,讓學生認識欺凌,同時於校內及網上推廣 由學生主導的預防欺凌活動。 「 Soul • 省」教育劇場計劃 「 Soul • 省」教育劇場計劃獲優質教育基金支 持,並於 2021 年 12 月開始為 10 間中學服務。當 中引入教育劇場,由社工、「甦星劇團」及戲劇 導師協作推行,誘導學生投入互動及靈活多變 的活動,包括選擇劇場《手尾》、生命教育劇場 《披著狼皮的羊》、一人一故事劇場及戲劇工作 坊,以推動生命教育,培育學生建立正面價值 觀及積極的生活態度。 大館古蹟教育劇場 本年度繼續與大館合作,於大館建築群內,為 高小至中學生提供古蹟教育劇場,包括「裕盛 辦館毒麵包案」及「香港廢死之路」。本年度更 設計新故事《公義魔法師之消失的審訊》予高小 學生參加。學生透過教育劇場、角色扮演,思 考不同議題,如:司法制度的發展、昔日的死 刑制度、審訊的意義等。 Uninterrupted Service Amid Pandemic Collaborating with Education Bureau — Student Training Project for Harmonious School Leaders of Harmonious School Net In collaboration with Education Bureau, we provided a series of activities, including experiential workshop, school-based support sessions and sharing session for 5 primary and 5 secondary schools, so as to equip the harmonious school leaders with concepts of anti-bullying and negative impacts of bullying acts for building their vision on peace-making in both schools and in cyber world, while the school leaders will implement school activities to create a harmonious school environment for all at the end of project. Quality Education Fund — “Soul Reflection” Theatre-in-Education Receiving support from Quality Education Fund, “Soul Reflection” Theatre-in-Education Project , have been serving 10 secondary schools since December 2021. Social workers, STAR Theatre and professional drama education practitioners joined hands to implement a series of drama activities in campus, including 2 dramas, Playback Theatre, as well as, drama workshops, with an aim to cultivate positive values amongst students. Tai Kwun Heritage Education Courtroom Theatre Continued to collaborate with Tai Kwun, drama activities were hold in the heritage atmosphere for senior primary to secondary students, including “The Yu Shing Poison Bread Incident” , “The Road to Abolishment of Death Penalty in Hong Kong”, and on top of that a new story “Justice Magician — The Chapter of Missing Trial” was developed this year for senior primary students. Students could learn the development of criminal justice system, and reflected more on the consequences and implications of one’s criminal behaviour. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 和諧大使合力設計法寶對抗校園欺凌。 Harmonious School Leaders designed magic weapon to fight against school bullying.