Annual Report 2021-22

109 網上活動新模式 過去一年疫情反覆,學校不時停課或轉為網上 授課,團隊除了即時應變,將到校的實體活動 轉為網上進行外,還不定期於學校假期及停課 期間設計不同網上活動,以回應服務使用者的 需要,年內共舉辦了 26 節小組及工作坊。活動 更嘗試加入新的介入方法,如︰ T.R.P.G 桌上 角色扮演遊戲及 L.A.R.P. 實境動作角色扮演遊 戲,以提升參加者參與動機。 New Mode on Online Activities Given the unpredictability of pandemic, classes in all schools were suspended for the sake of safeguarding students’ health. Apart from switching school physical activities into online, the team also strived hard to implement different online activities during school holiday and school suspension. Totally 26 sessions of group and workshop were conducted, and trendy means such as Tabletop Role Playing Game (TRPG) and Live Action Role Play (LARP) were introduced which motivated participants to a great extent. 「賽馬會玩具圖書館 2.0 」計劃 為鼓勵親子溝通以促進家庭關係,今年再度成 功申請賽馬會慈善信託基金的贊助,於本會 14 個服務單位展開為期一年的「賽馬會玩具圖書 館 2.0 」計劃,提供玩具借用服務,並向有需要 家庭提供更深入的支援。此服務設有「玩完又 換」獎勵計劃、工作坊及社交平台。與此同時, 計劃亦招募社區人士擔任家庭支援員協助運作 此服務,在接受相關服務訓練後向服務使用者 分享親子相處之道,加強社區聯繫網絡。 Jockey Club “ Quality Family Time through Play ” Project This year, we further applied for The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to launch a project namely “Quality Family Time through Play” in 14 service units to provide the families in need a more in-depth support by offering lending service of toys. “Play and Redeem” reward scheme, workshops and social platform were established in order to build family bonding. Moreover, community members were recruited to share with the service users the knowledge of building parent-child relationship as well as to enhance the users’ social network with the community. 「賽馬會玩具圖書館 2.0 」計劃會員努力完成「玩完又換」獎勵計 劃的任務,累積足夠貼紙,換領豐富獎品。 Members of Jockey Club “Quality Family Time through Play” Project completed challenges of the “Play and Redeem” reward scheme and earned enough stickers to redeem fabulous prizes.