Annual Report 2021-22

110 模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃 因疫情及社交距離措施,二零二零至二零二一 年度「模擬法庭 • 公義教育計劃」的閉幕禮改以 獨立形式進行,由時任主席李瀚良高等法院法 官及總幹事李淑慧女士親自到校頒獎予得獎學 校,並與學生暢談計劃點滴。 及至 2021 年 8 月,承蒙禁毒基金贊助,計劃得 以延續,開展為期兩年的「禁毒教育 @ 模擬法庭 2.0 」計劃,為 16 間小學及 48 間中學提供一系列 以禁毒為題的模擬法庭活動。首年模擬法庭比 賽因應疫情發展,曾以實體及網上形式進行, 經法律導師悉心指導下,學生於比賽順利發 揮。此外,我們亦設計了互動動畫短片作教育 活動,展示大麻的禍害,以及違反毒品相關法 例後之刑事責任。 Mock Trial Justice Education Project In 2020/2021, due to the social distancing measure in the pandemic, the Project Award Presentation Ceremony was arranged in awarding schools respectively. The then Chairperson The Hon. Mr. Justice Patrick LI and Chief Executive Ms. Anthea LEE went to different schools in person to present trophies to awarding teams, and had a sharing regarding students’ experience in the Project. Supporting by Beat Drugs Fund, the Project has been sustained for 2 years since August 2021, namely “Beat Drugs @ Mock Trial 2.0” which served 16 primary schools and 48 secondary schools with a series of drug-related mock trial activities. In the first year, the mock trial competitions were arranged in physical and online format, in which students’ preparation was put into practice regardless of the COVID-19. Furthermore, new animation illustrating the negative consequence of marijuana and the corresponding legal consequence was produced. 小學生於模擬法庭比賽的表現毫不遜色! Primary school students’ performance was remarkable in the Mock Trial Competition. 《破繭天使 2.0 》於 2021 年 7 月於賽馬會黑盒劇場公演。 “Cocoon Angels” 2.0 performed at Jockey Club Black Box Theatre in July 2021. 《破繭天使 2.0 》公開演出 甦星劇團於 2021 年 7 月 9 至 11 日,於賽馬會創 意藝術中心黑盒劇場演出《破繭天使 2.0 》,共 4 場公開場及 1 場總綵排,有 354 位觀眾到現場 觀賞。故事講述 6 位女性吸毒者因毒品作繭自 綁及如何蛻變重生。演出後之分享環節,亦讓 演員與觀眾互動,深入了解更生路上的種種 困難,強化「助更生」的效能。另因防疫措施所 限,話劇同時製作成短片,並於網上平台作限 時放映,讓更多觀眾有機會欣賞。 “Cocoon Angels 2.0” Performance Five performances (including one dress rehearsal) were held at The Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre during 9–11July 2021, and attracted 354 audiences. The drama depicted stories of 6 female drug users and how they rehabilitated and turned a new chapter. Post-performance sharing was arranged to make audience and actresses connected. Favorable feedback and encouragement were received, which facilitated the advocacy work for ex- offenders and drug abusers. In response to the precautionary measures in the performing venue, the capacity was limited of each show, hence, the play was made into video for viewing via online platform.