Annual Report 2021-22

112 義工嘉許禮 2021 暨機構 65 週年 今年義工嘉許禮 2021 適逢機構 65 週年,以網上 形式舉行,共 150 人出席典禮,包括本會副會 長蘇國榮先生、主席潘兆童法官、總幹事李淑 慧女士、本會義工(社區及會員)、合作伙伴和 同工。特別鳴謝副會長蘇先生於典禮分享擔任 義工之經歷,以及潘主席對一眾義工們的勉勵 及讚賞。 典禮除了頒發義工獎項外,更安排分組活動, 讓義工能設計以 65 週年為主題的嘉許禮入場 券,並分享對機構的感受。典禮完結前,我們 邀請參與者為懲教人員及醫護人員打氣。 Volunteer Recognition Ceremony cum SRACP 65 th anniversary Online mode for the Volunteer Recognition Ceremony cum SRACP 65 th anniversary, there were totally 150 participants, including our Vice President, Mr. Andrew SO, Chairperson, Justice POON, Chief Executive, Ms. Anthea LEE, community and user volunteers, corporate and charitable organisation working partners, and SRACP colleagues. Special thanks to Mr. Andrew SO for his sharing as a volunteer of SRACP more than half decade as well as Justice POON’s encouragement and appreciation to volunteers. Apart from volunteer recognition award, group programme of colouring the event tickets was launched to celebrate the 65 th anniversary of SRACP and volunteers’ feelings and thoughts about the anniversary were shared in the breakout room of zoom. In addition, all participants were invited to encourage and thank for The Correctional Services Department (CSD) staffs and healthcare professionals who were working hard to fight for virus together amid the pandemic. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 副會長蘇國榮先生向嘉許禮參加者分享其義工經歷及在本會的付出。另外,主席潘兆童法官 致歡迎辭,並感謝義工們的付出。 Vice President, Mr. Andrew SO Kwok-wing, SBS, OBE, JP had a sharing to all participants about his volunteer journey and dedications in SRACP. The chairperson of Executive Committee: The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung gave a welcome speech to all participants, and he appreciated the volunteers’ contributions for the past year. 義工為 65 週年為主題的入場券設計及填色。 A group programme of colouring the event ticket with a watermark of 65 to celebrate the 65 th anniversary of SRACP. 疫情下各界堅守崗位,義工嘉許禮參加者為懲教人員及醫護 人員打氣。 All participants were invited to encourage and thank for The Correctional Services Department (CSD) staffs and healthcare professionals who were working hard to fight for virus together amid the pandemic.