Annual Report 2021-22

113 我們仨同行計劃 由已受訓練之社區義工組成不同支援小組,幫 助受社會事件影響之人士、被判長刑期及性違 法人士。義工們提供情緒支援、社交活動、學 業支援、家人支援、興趣技能發展、義工服務 及筆友服務。過去一年有 34 名社區義工為 18 位 相關服務對象提供以上支援服務,冀讓義工與 服務對象建立信任關係,從而減少服務使用者 被邊緣化的感覺。 計劃以小組形式進行,義工亦會定期進行檢 討。我們發現義工以「朋友」身份認識服務對 象,能更生活化地回應他們的實際需要,例 如:在支援長刑期的更生人士方面,義工會教 他們使用智能電話,幫助重新融入社會文化。 另外,義工聆聽而不批判,漸漸成為服務對象 的「樹窿」,讓他們有適當的空間釋放情緒。同 時,義工以身作則,以推動服務使用者轉化作 貢獻,成為過來人義工。 “Three of Us” Scheme It consisted of a group of trained-up community volunteers who supported the target of people who were involved in the social incidents, people who had served long sentence, and people with sexual offending behavior. The volunteers provided different kinds of support, such as emotional support, social activities, academic support, family support, interest and skills development, building a trustful relationship with service users to minimise social exclusion in the society. The scheme was carried out in groups and regular review meetings were conducted with volunteers. It was found that volunteers, who approached users like a friend, were more able to build up friendship and respond to the service users’ needs, for example, volunteer introduced the application of smartphone or apps to help users reintegrating into social culture. In addition, volunteers listened without judgment and provided an appropriate context to alleviate service users’ psychological and emotional distress, meanwhile, as a role model, they motivated people to become user volunteers and contribute to society. 義工教服務對象使用智能電話。 The volunteer shared with the user the application of smartphone and apps. 義工協助服務對象解決學業上的困難。 The volunteers provided academic support to the service users.