Annual Report 2021-22

114 本會總幹事李淑慧女士拜訪大埔鄉事委員會主席,介紹本會位於 大埔的過渡性房屋項目。 Ms. Anthea LEE, Chief Executive of SRACP, met the Chairman of Tai Po Rural Committee to introduce our transitional housing project in Tai Po. 自二零一七年起,本會積極成為過渡性社會房 屋的先導者,同年起推出「甦屋」計劃,先後發 展三間甦屋,為服務使用者提供適切居所之 餘,亦協助他們建立社會資本,重投社區獨立 生活。 本會在積極推動過渡性社會房屋的基礎上,於 二零二二年先後獲房屋局「支援非政府機構推 行過渡性房屋項目的資助計劃」資助兩個分別 位於紅磡及大埔的過渡性房屋項目:「善匯」及 「善樓」,初步提供合共超過 760 個單位,供有需 要的個人及家庭住戶居住。 Since 2017, the Society has been pioneering in the development of transitional social housing. Since then, we established three So Uk units to provide affordable housing with good quality for service users, thus helping them establish social capital and reintegrate into the community. Building upon our commitment on developing transitional social housing, we received funding from Housing Bureau under the Funding Scheme to Support Transitional Housing Projects by Non-government Organisations for two transitional housing projects respectively in Hung Hom and Tai Po, namely “Good Mansion” and “Good House”, providing an estimate of over 760 units in total for needy families and individuals. Service Overview 服務概覽 在推展兩個過渡性房屋項目的過程中,我們積 極向地區人士解釋項目理念,同時聆聽他們 的意見,務求建立與地區共融的過渡性房屋 項目。 展望將來,預計兩個過渡性房屋項目將相繼於 二零二四年落成啟用。屆時我們希望透過這兩 個項目,解決有需要人士的急切住屋需求外, 更希望建立美好生活模式,提升住戶在社區的 生活能力,日後能順利「過渡」到新社區。 In the process of taking forward the two transitional housing projects, we proactively engaged local communities to explain our project objectives and listen to their views on our projects, with a view to establishing a harmonious community for the two transitional housing projects. Looking ahead, we expect that the two projects will be commissioned in 2024. By then, we hope to address the imminent housing need of the needy community at the basic level. More importantly, we hope also to serve as a seamless transition for their lives to reintegrate into a new community. 特別服務計劃 Specialised Project 社會房屋 Social Housing