Annual Report 2021-22
116 協助青年建立締造未來的基石 因應疫情穩定,香港懲教署准許本會於喜靈洲 戒毒所、勵新懲教所及勵志更生中心為更生青 年推行生涯發展活動。生涯發展小組於二零 二一年九月舉行,致力透過價值 (Values) 、態度 (Attitudes) 、技 能 (Skills) 及 知 識 (Knowledge) ,即 簡 稱為 VASK 及「延展工作理念」( Expanded Notion of Work ,簡稱 ENOW )為更生青年探索能力及興趣。 我們運用簡單、獨特而有趣的工作紙,與更生 青年互動,讓他們在囚期間得到支持及協助他 們思考生涯規劃的方向,並於離開院所前奠定 對將來「有積極抱負」的基石。此外,香港懲教 署豐力樓的生涯發展小組同時展開,冀透過多 元服務,共建協同效應。 The Foundation in Providing Hope in Future As epidemic situation stabilised, the Career & Life Development groups were launched in September 2021 with the approval obtained from The Correctional Services Department (CSD). They were organised for young persons-in-custody at Hei Ling Chau Addiction Treatment Centre, Lai Sun Correctional Institution and Lai Chi Rehabilitation Centre. The groups explored their abilities and interests through VASK, which stood for Values, Attitudes, Skills and Knowledge, and Expanded Notion of Work (ENOW) with young persons-in-custody Youths showed more willingness to be engaged and exchanged via drawing, simple, unique but interesting worksheets and sincere sharing in words. The foundation in providing opportunities and hope in future were built. In addition, the Career & Life Development group for the Phoenix House of The Correctional Services Department (CSD) was launched, with an aim to create different cooperation opportunities and synergies. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 「賽馬會鼓掌•創你程計劃」由香港賽馬會慈善 信託基金策劃及捐助,於二零二零年九月展開 第二階段,旨在以生涯發展介入模式啟發年青 人發揮潛能,開拓多元職涯需要。主要服務對 象為 15 至 29 歲有職涯規劃需要的曾違法及院所 青年,結合強大的僱主網絡及培訓資源為受助 者度身訂造生涯發展服務,讓青年可以投入有 意義的發展和社區連結,令他們更順暢地由在 學階段,過渡至工作環境,從中鼓勵青年人活 出無限可能,創出獨一無二的人生歷程。 CLAP@JC (“CLAP”) funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Phase II of the project commenced in September 2020. Our service users including young ex-offenders and institutionalised youths aged 15 to 29. This project is based on evidence-based career and life development (CLD) intervention model and various innovative artefacts, seeking to inspire the society to celebrate possibilities and embrace youth’s potential. We envision all youth to be able to achieve meaningful lives and aspire to make positive contributions to society. Service Overview 服務概覽 賽馬會鼓掌‧創你程計劃 CLAP@JC
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