Annual Report 2021-22

118 全新互惠共居模式 支援家外青年和復元人士「拍住上」 共創未來 由香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助的賽馬會「拍 住上」共居社區計劃在二零二一年繼續順利推 展。繼「賽馬會箕寓」動工儀式於去年六月圓滿 舉行後,地基工程順利開展。建築圖則和上蓋 工程開展及進行同意書分別於二零二二年一月 和四月通過屋宇署審批,上蓋工程預計於今年 第三季正式啟動。 Brand New Synergistic Co-living Model Support Out-of-home Youths and Persons in Recovery to Craft a Better Future Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project (JCCCP) continued to be running smoothly in 2021. Following the Work Commencement Ceremony of Jockey Club Key House in June 2021, foundation works were carried out afterwards. Approvals on General Building Plan (GBP) and Consent to the Commencement of Building Works were granted by the Building Department in January and April 2022 respectively. Superstructure works are expected to commence in Q3 2022. 在設計構想中,「賽馬會箕寓」的入口將會是一個促 進服務使用者和社區人士交流的社區凝聚空間。 Main entrance of Jockey Club Key House is designed to be a community gathering space to facilitate interactions between service users and the local community. *  構想圖 Rendering 地基工程於去年六月開展後,將於二零二二年第二季完工。 Commenced in June 2021, foundation works would be completed in Q2 2022. 賽馬會「拍住上」共居社區計劃 Jockey Club “Craft Your Life Together” Co-living Community Project