Annual Report 2021-22

119 計劃團隊和研究夥伴經過一年探討研究,結 合 Foyer Approach 無家青年住宿服務概念和復 元模式,在去年底創建了全新的「互惠共居 模式」,並將嶄新的概念融入服務和建築設計 中。計劃團隊去年特別走訪本地不同的新型共 住服務,了解智能科技、共居設施、住客社群 的交流協作,以及服務和營運模式等,務求為 家外青年和復元人士提供更適切的服務和發展 空間。 Project team and research partner worked together to study the Foyer Approach — a new residential service concept for homeless youths, and the Recovery Model since late 2020. A brand new Synergistic Co-living Model was created in late 2021. The new concepts were integrated into both service and building design of JCCCP. With an aim to create a new co-living service and environment best suit the needs of Out-of-home youths and Persons in Recovery, project team visited local new co-living facilities in last year to study new designs and concepts of innovative smart living technology, communal facilities, interactions and collaborations of resident community, as well as new services and operation models. 師友計劃於 2021 年 12 月啟動。 Mentorship Programme was launched in December 2021. 計劃團隊去年六月到訪香港科學園的創新斗室(右),以及在今年一月參觀 DASH Living (左),了解新型共住設施和體驗。 Project team visited InnoCell of Hong Kong Science Park (right) in June 2021 and DASH Living (left) in January 2022 for new co-living facilities and experience.