Annual Report 2021-22
Since the commencement of Pilot Run Stage in April 2021, 9 Out- of-home youths and 9 Persons in Recovery were recruited for the pilot project. Trial run of programme and pre-assessment of research project kicked off in last November. A launch event for the Mentorship programme was held in December 2021 with the participation of 14 volunteer mentors and 16 participants. The mentors would accompany the participants to learn and grow throughout their JCCCP journey. During the fifth wave Covid-19 outbreak in Q1 2022, Pilot Run venues including the social housing project and halfway houses were locked down consecutively due to infection among service users and staff. Addressing the epidemic prevention needs, project team adjusted the programme plan to organise anti- epidemic and mutual support activities. Uninfected youths helped deliver meals and supplies to locked down units to help others to get through the difficult time, which is testimonial to the new Synergistic Co-living Model. 先導計劃階段於去年四月啟動後,成功招募九 位家外青年及九位復元人士參與,活動及前期 評估於十一月正式展開。重點項目「師友計劃」 啟動活動於去年十二月舉行,十四位義務師友 和十六位參加者聚首一堂,為先導計劃的實踐 揭開序幕。師友將陪伴參加者一同體驗未來一 年的個人發展歷程,一同經歷一同成長。 今年初第五波疫情期間,作為先導計劃場地的 社會房屋計劃及中途宿舍相繼因服務使用者及 員工染疫而隔離封閉。服務團隊因應疫情,改 變策略,推行防疫及互助活動。沒有染疫的青 年協助分派防疫物資及食物,支援染疫的鄰舍 共同渡過困難時期,充份體現本計劃推動的互 惠共生理念。 配合互惠共居模式,本計劃就著生涯規劃、整全健康、生活技能、社會資本和互惠 共生五個範疇,提供活動和學習機會以配合服務使用者的發展需要。 Echoing the 5 service offers of the Synergistic Co-living Model, JCCCP offers learning opportunities and activities on life planning, health and well-beings, living skills, social capital and reciprocity to address the developmental needs of service users.
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