Annual Report 2021-22

123 策略計劃(四) — 發展員工管理及臨 床才能 人才對機構長遠發展尤其重要,要推動善導會 多元化發展,需要的不單是臨床方面的人才, 管理人才同樣重要。展望未來,我們深明機構 管理層需要薪火相傳,因此會制訂管理層繼任 計劃,確立機構內的主要崗任並制訂相應的人 才挑選準則。此外,亦會籌劃為本會而設的管 理能力訓練課程,裝備長遠領導人才。我們的 願景是建立機構的人才庫,支援本會繼續發展 多元化服務,配合瞬息萬變的社會服務需要。 策略主題 — 健康 本會亦繼續透過協助服務使用者建立健康的生 活方式,加強服務使用者的保護性資本,繼而 減低危害心理健康的危險因素及觸犯法紀的 機會。 在未來的日子,本會計劃推行大型「服務使用 者健康普查」,目的是更準確地了解服務使用 者的健康需要,進行針對性分析,務求以實證 理據作後盾,為服務使用者設計貼心而有效的 健康生活管理服務,提升他們的健康素養以應 對現今及將來生活上不同的挑戰,同時裝備各 層級職員具備健康關顧的視角,讓同工了解地 區健康資源及如何與不同的持份者合作,以協 同效應方式推行有效的「預防 + 」健康管理服務。 來年,本會同工會與服務使用者共同創設健康 之路,與大家一起踏上包容而健康安全的旅 程。 Strategic Plan (4) — Build a Pool of Talents with Either Clinical or Management Competences or Both Talent is the key pillar underpinning our agency to thrive. To facilitate our diversified service development, we need both clinical and management talents. Looking ahead, we appreciate the need for succession planning. We will therefore develop a Succession Planning Framework that identifies the key positions within the agency and establish the corresponding assessment model for identifying talents of high potential. In addition, we will devise an agency-specific Management Competency Training Programme to equip future leaders of SRACP. Our vision is to build a talent pool to sustain continuous service expansion of SRACP to dovetail with the rapidly changing needs of our society. Strategic Theme — Health We strengthen the protective capital of service users by assisting them in establishing a healthy lifestyle, thereby reducing the risk factors contributing to psychological and mental challenges, and the likelihood of law violating behaviour. We plan to launch a large-scale “Service Users Health Profile” Survey, to articulate the service users’ health needs accurately through data analysis. By adopting an empirical evidence-based approach, a tailor-made “Healthy Lifestyle Management Service” could be designed for our service users to enhance their health literacy to meet the present and future daily life challenges. Equipping staff at all levels with a health perspective via multifarious staff training. Staff will be enriched to reach out to more community health resources with synergy effects and collaborate with different stakeholders to carry out effective “Prevention +” Health Management Services. In the coming year, our colleagues and service users will work together to co-create our pathway to a healthier life, which will lead to an inclusive, healthy and safe journey.