Annual Report 2021-22

125 機構傳訊部的職責是通過策略性核心活動,加 強對內、外的合作和溝通,宣傳機構的核心價 值、使命、願景和成就。當中包括聯絡傳媒、 製作刊物、舉辦籌款活動、與持份者溝通、機 構形象管理等工作,以提升公眾對本會的認識 及支持。 推動品牌革新 提升專業形象 適逢 2022 年為香港善導會成立 65 周年,為迎 接機構邁向新里程,機構傳訊部負責協助機構 進行「品牌革新計劃」項目(下稱計劃),向大眾 展示本會更多元、創新和專業的形象。至 2022 年 3 月份,計劃按時間表順利進行,我們與合 作的顧問公司進行了約 30 節訪問及發出超過 3,000 份網上問卷調查,在深入了解各持份者 對本會發展及服務特色後制定全面報告,並草 擬品牌理論。計劃成果預計將於 2022 年 12 月 7 日週年大會上發佈。 The Corporate Communications Division (CCD) is responsible for enhancing internal and external communications, as well as highlighting the agency vision, mission, values and achievements through strategic core activities. These include media liaison, production of corporate collaterals, fundraising events organisation, stakeholder’s communication, agency branding management, etc., to obtain public recognition and support. Undergo a Rebranding Initiative to Enhance Professional Image of SRACP To commemorate the 65 th anniversary of the establishment of SRACP in 2022, Corporate Communications Division endeavours to lead the Society’s “Rebranding Project” (the Project) to showcase the Society with a more diverse, innovative and professional image. The Project proceeded smoothly on schedule as at March 2022. 30 interview sessions were conducted with the consulting agency and more than 3,000 online questionnaires were sent out. A brand discovery report and brand model were drafted after an in-depth understanding of various stakeholders’ views on the development and service characteristics of the Society. The new brand will be launched in the AGM on 7 th December 2022. Service Overview 服務概覽 機構傳訊 Corporate Communications 年度重點 Highlights of the Year