Annual Report 2021-22

126 65 週年誌慶 與大眾同心同行 機構傳訊部特別製作 65 週年宣傳影片介紹本會 服務特色,有幸邀請陳志雲先生作聲音導航。 短片在社交平台發佈,目前的觀看次數已超過 5,000 ,接觸人數達 1 萬位用戶。機構傳訊部亦 與各單位合作籌劃一系列別出心裁的慈善和專 業活動,與大眾一起迎接周年誌慶。其中,本 會舉辦首屆「 Go Green • 慈善瑜伽日」,以戶外 瑜伽宣揚身心靈健康,為本會健康相關及預防 犯罪服務籌款;活動原訂於 2022 年 1 月 23 日舉 行,因應第五波疫情爆發,活動已改期至 2022 年 9 月 25 日。 65 th Anniversary Celebration In order to promote SRACP’s service features, CCD specially produced a promotional video for the 65 th anniversary and invited Mr. Stephen Chan Chi-wan as our honourable narrator. The video was published on social media platforms with 5,000+ views and reached 10K audiences. A series of insightful events are planned to celebrate the anniversary, including the first charity yoga event, “Go Green • Charity Yoga Day”. The outdoor charity yoga event was initially scheduled on January 23 in 2022, to promote the importance of health and raise funds for our health-related and crime prevention services; in response to the 5 th outbreak of the epidemic, the event was rescheduled to September 25 in 2022. 靈活應變 拓展籌募新模式 鑑於新冠肺炎疫情反覆不定,本會大型籌募活 動難以舉行,在疫情放緩的日子,機構傳訊部 多次舉辦小規模活動,提高社會大眾對本會 服務的認識。在 2021 年 9 月,本會申請領展商 場舉辦了一連三日的中秋攤位,讓沙田街坊 認識本會服務的更生人士及精神復元人士, 鼓勵小孩執筆繪畫向會友寫上節慶團圓的祝 福。繼去年成功舉辦慈善紅酒義賣活動,本會 於 2021 年 12 月 23 日舉辦慈善品酒夜,為非社 署恆常資助的服務及「甦星劇團」籌款。我們衷 心感謝黃英豪博士 BBS, JP 及美酒窖提供場地 及飲食贊助,並捐出活動當晚出售紅酒的百分 之十收益;當晚亦設有慈善義賣活動,由本會 Flexible Way to Raise Funds for Charity The unpredictable situation of COVID-19 intensified the challenges to conduct mass fundraising events; therefore, we planned different scale’s activities to raise public awareness of our services. In September 2021, we set up a 3-days exhibition booth to celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in Link HK Shatin shopping mall. Children and the neighbourhood were encouraged to draw and write festive blessings to our service users. Given last year’s success in charity wine sales, we organised a Wine Tasting Event on 23 rd December 2021 to raise funds for the non-subvented services and “Star Theatre”. We sincerely thank you Dr. Kennedy WONG Ying-ho, BBS, JP and Hong Kong Wine Vault for the sponsorship of wine, catering and venue, who also donated 10% of the revenue from the wine sale at the event. Also, we invited 65 週年宣傳影片 Promotional video for the 65 th anniversary