Annual Report 2021-22
127 職業復康中心會友制作精美的「紅酒環」,是次 活動共有 60 位參加者,籌得港幣五萬元。 2022 年 2 月至 7 月,本會有幸參與由 AEON 百貨舉辦 的「黃色小票」活動,各 AEON 超市百貨於活動 期間設有投票箱及攤位,展示香港善導會的服 務簡介,讓顧客投票支持心儀的慈善機構。隨 著線上捐款日趨普及,本會新增電子捐款平台 AlipayHK ,便利公眾捐款支持。同時,本會繼 續連繫不同的傳媒,及善用社交平台,宣傳機 構多元優質及創新服務,加強公眾對本會的了 解。年內約 65 則關於本會服務的報道,以及於 社交平台發佈超過 300 篇帖子,接觸不同層面 年及年齡的市民。本會每年都會悉心製作優質 的機構刊物及宣傳片,讓不同持份者認識本會 的工作和成效,以及掌握機構的最新動向。 our service users from Employment Rehabilitation Centre to produce a handmade “Wine ring” for charity sale. 60 participants joined the event and over HK$50,000 raised. From February to July 2022, SRACP participated the AEON Yellow Ticket Campaign which allow us to showcase the service introduction for AEON customers’ donation. In light of the increasing popularity of online donation, SRACP newly added AlipayHK as one of the electronic donation platforms to provide the public with more convenient way to support us. SRACP continued to connect with media outlets and make good use of social media. During the year, 65 news articles were published and over 300 social media postings were recorded, reaching out to people of different ages and types. In order to enhance the professionalism of the Society and stay in touch with stakeholders, SRACP produced high- quality corporate publications and videos, enabling stakeholders to know more about the latest development and service outcome of the Society. AEON 每月 11 日的購物收據會附帶一張「黃色小票」,顧客可以投票 給參與活動的慈善機構, AEON 會將總結金額的百分之一兌換成日 用品,捐贈予受惠機構。 Every 11 th , AEON provides a yellow ticket attached with the receipt for donation. AEON will offer products equivalent to 1% of the receipts' total to the designated charitable organisation. 慈善紅酒義賣 Charity Wine Sale 小孩向會友寫上節慶團圓的祝福。 Children wrote their blessings to our service users.
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