Annual Report 2021-22

128 連繫社會各界扶弱抗疫 第五波新冠肺炎疫情為香港社會帶來不少衝 擊。本會十分關注弱勢社群在疫情下的需要, 感謝社會福利署、各界善長和友好伙伴慨贈防 疫物資,讓本會派發予弱勢社群及服務受眾, 大大減輕他們張羅物資的壓力,解決其燃眉之 急,本會至今派發接近三萬套新型冠狀病毒抗 原快速測試套裝予有需要的弱勢社群。(物資 捐贈者名單詳列於 P.143 鳴謝章節內。) Connecting with Different Sectors to Support the Disadvantaged During the Pandemic The 5 th wave of COVID-19 epidemic had dealt a heavy blow to Hong Kong’s social and economic development. SRACP cares about the livelihood of underprivileged groups. Thanks to the invaluable support from Social Welfare Department, as well as kind-hearted benefactors and partners, SRACP distributed nearly 30,000 Novel Coronavirus Rapid Test Kit to our service users so that they can tide over the pandemic crisis. 感謝各界善長和友好伙伴慨贈防疫物資。 Thanks to the invaluable support from kind-hearted benefactors and partners. 香港開電視「聲東擊西」訪問,由本會總幹事分享善導會疫情下 的服務挑戰。 Chief Executive Ms. Anthea LEE received an interview by the Hong Kong Open TV "Topics in Focus" to share the service challenges under the epidemic.