Annual Report 2021-22
130 機構數碼轉型 工作流程系統 為了持續優化和簡化審批流程,本會推出新的 工作流程電腦系統,以降低營運成本及強化多 項功能,包括提高文檔處理的效率、集中數據 庫和審批流程自動化。通過工作流程系統的動 態靈活配置,資訊技術部和其他服務單位的系 統應用程式也將陸續在這個系統平台上開發, 以提高營運效率。 個案及數據管理信息系統 在香港賽馬會慈善信託基金的支持下,本會透 過「賽馬會資訊科技支援計劃」獲得香港生產力 促進局的資訊科技顧問支持,並獲建議改善本 會目前的資訊科技運作、管治和組織架構,首 要任務是開發一個中央化的個案管理系統,以 處理各類型服務。 基於考慮到疫情及生產力促進局的建議,本會 向香港賽馬會慈善信託基金提交了一份資助 建議,冀開發個案及數據管理信息系統,旨在 將服務使用者的服務流程數碼化,從而提高服 務的有效性和效率。同時系統不僅可以滿足各 類服務的最新需求,還可以促進服務流程的數 碼轉型,以應對新常態下的挑戰。項目預計在 二零二二年第三季展開,並在二十八個月內 完成。 Digital Transformation of SRACP Workflow System To further enhance and simplify approval process, a new Workflow System was implemented for financial approval with lower operating cost and enhanced functions to facilitate better documentation, database centralisation, and approval process automation. With the dynamic and flexible configurations, other system applications for IT Divisions and other service units will also be developed on the Workflow System platform to enhance operational efficiency. Information System for Case and Data Management With the support of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (HKJCCT) , SRACP had joined “The Hong Kong Jockey Club IT Support Programme for NGOs” and received a consultancy support in IT from The Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC). HKPC made recommendations for improvement of the current IT operation, governance and organisation structure of SRACP. The highest priority of improvement recommended is the development of a centralised case management system, which aims at catering for all types of services in SRACP. In light of the epidemic and the recommendations from HKPC, SRACP submitted a funding proposal to HKJCCT to develop a new information system for case and data management. The objective of the proposed system is digitalising the service process of service users and enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of service. With the proposed system, not only does the latest needs for all types of service can be catered for, but also the digital transformation of the service process can be facilitated to meet the challenges under the New Normal. The project is expected to be kicked off in the third quarter of 2022 and completed in 28 months. 年度重點 Highlights of the Year
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