Annual Report 2021-22

131 研究調查 Research Study 為了解服務使用者對社會服務的需求,本會一 直不遺餘力,以實證和數據分析的研究工作為 根基,進行有系統的研究並提供具參考性的資 料,讓社會各界掌握服務使用者的概況。我們 的重點工作包括研究調查、數據及知識管理、 創新開發,以配合機構未來發展。 In order to understand the needs of service users, we strive to adopt evidence-based and analytical-based practices to conduct systematic research work for providing the stakeholders with information to have a better grasp of the current situation. We have three areas of work, namely, research, data and knowledge management, as well as innovation and development, so as to keep up with the further development of the Society. Service Overview 服務概覽 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 研究調查 秉承機構實證為本的理念,我們致力透過各類 的研究調查,整合及分析數據,有效地回應社 會需要。本年度,我們進行了兩個重點研究, 包括探討朋輩支援員對隱蔽濫藥者戒毒的成效 及重要性,以及了解疫情下兒童的遊戲模式及 發展概況。 深入個案研究濫藥者參與朋輩支援 服務的果效 本會就「老友鬼鬼」 — 隱蔽濫藥者朋輩支援計劃 的成效評估,進行一項個案深入研究,探討及 了解該計劃對參與者的影響。研究發現,計劃 有效幫助參加者積極善用閒暇時間;透過朋輩 支援員為學習榜樣遠離毒品;及培養正面的人 生價值。 Research Inheriting the spirit of evidence-based practice, we initiated different kinds of research studies to consolidate and analyse the data in response to societal needs. Two key research projects were carried out this year, including an in-depth case study on peer support services for hidden drug users, and a survey on the learning and playing time of Hong Kong children during the epidemic. In-depth Case Study on Peer Support Services for the Hidden Drug Users To evaluate the effectiveness of the project “Buddies & Buddies — Peer Support Service on Hidden Drug Users”, we initiated a qualitative study to examine the impact of this programme on the participants. It was found that the programme is effective in assisting drug users to have positive use of leisure time, stay away from drugs by learning from the role model of peer supporters, and develop positive life values.