Annual Report 2021-22

132 A Survey on the Learning and Playing Time of Hong Kong Children under the Epidemic We partnered with Junior Chamber International Tsuen Wan to conduct a questionnaire survey and analyse the data collected from the children aged 4–12 and their parents. Results found that nearly two-fifths of children spent less than one hour of free play time per day, which is less than the recommendation of UNICEF. It is suggested that parents should spend an average of at least 30 minutes a day playing with their children, aiming to foster quality parent-child time and promote parent-child relationships. 疫情下港童的學習與玩樂時間的 調查 香港善導會聯同荃灣青年商會進行調查,收集 4 至 12 歲兒童及其家長的數據,發現接近四成 受訪兒童,每日自由遊戲時間少於 1 小時或以 下,少於聯合國兒童基金會的建議。故此,本 會建議家長每日平均至少花 30 分鐘與子女一同 玩耍,培養有質素的親子時間,促進親子關係。 數據及知識管理 隨數碼生活的普及,大數據管理與應用在社會 服務中實踐乃大勢所趨。本部門舉行數據應用 工作坊及數據相關的互動活動,冀增加同事對 大數據的認識。在基礎建設方面,本部門夥拍 資訊科技部共同設計一個中央化的個案及資源 管理系統,並撰寫撥款建議書申請資助研發。 系統將涵蓋四大功能,(一)個案管理、(二)資 源管理、(三)服務使用者和其他持份者互動平 台及(四)大數據管理、分析和應用。現時已獲 得資助機構的正面回覆,系統有望於下年正式 研發。 Data and Knowledge Management In the era of digital transformation, data management and application in social services is a general trend. We pro-actively promoted the concept of data management and application in the last year. For instance, practical workshops and data-related interactive activities were organised to promote the concept of big data and the importance of data management. In terms of infrastructure and operations, we cooperated with the Information Technology Division to jointly design a centralised case and resource management system and wrote a funding proposal to seek external support for the system development. The system was designed to cover four major functions, (1) Case Management, (2) Resource Management, (3) Interactive Platform for Service Users and other Stakeholders, and (4) Big Data Management, Analysis and Application. The funding proposal had received positive responses from the potential funders, it is expected that the system development project will be kick-started in the coming year. 研究及發展經理公佈「疫情下港童的學習與玩樂時間」的調查研 究結果。 Research and Development Manager presented the findings of a survey on the learning and playing time of Hong Kong children during the epidemic.