Annual Report 2021-22

136 香港善導會視員工為最寶貴的資產。在二零二 一至二零二二年度,我們繼續積極採取員工為 本的策略,提升員工的身心靈健康。特別是每 年舉辦的機構健康日,由服務單位╱科自行策 劃及編排有益身心的員工活動。除「加油」計劃 下的「零食加油站」和「加油」用膳時間外,我們 新推出了「自己時間 MeTime 」,讓同工放下工 作,享受屬於自己的時間,促進身心靈健康。 儘管疫情全年持續嚴峻,我們按計劃進行了 「職位說明 (JD) 」和「職位評值 (JE) 」檢討,當中 包括安排不同級別的員工代表參與,並由專責 JDJE 委員會舉行多次會議深入審視各職位的 角色和職責。預計將在二零二二至二零二三年 底前提出新的職位架構和薪酬架構,以及相關 的人手編製建議。 SRACP treasures its staff as the most valuable asset. In 2021/2022, we continued to adopt a proactive staff-oriented approach to enhance the physical and mental health and wellness of our staff. In particular, Agency Health Day was organised annually on service unit/branch basis for the promotion of both physical and mental health of staff, as well as cross-team collaboration. On top of the “Snack Corner” and “SoTime” under the Happy Employee Scheme, “MeTime” was newly introduced to offer staff with relaxation time that they can use for whatever purpose that was good for their well-being. Despite the severity of COVID-19 pandemic throughout the year, we conducted the Job Description (JD) and Job Evaluation (JE) reviews with involvement of different levels of staff representatives, while the designated JDJE Sub-Committee had held several meetings to review in detail the roles and responsibilities of each position. It is anticipated that the new grading structure and salary structure with review of staff establishment will be proposed by the end of year 2022/2023. Agency Health Day 機構健康日 機構健康日照片 Photos of Agency Health Day 人力資源 Human Resources