Annual Report 2021-22

75 怡翠軒就屯門區康復服務協調委員會舉辦的 「康復服務工作體驗計劃 2021 」,邀請年青人體 驗院舍服務,並由復元人士介紹宿舍特色及生 活,讓社區人士認識不一樣的復元旅程。 Yee Tsui House (YTH) invited the youth to participate in the “Rehabilitation Work Experience Programme 2021” which was organised by Tuen Mun District Coordinating Committee on Rehabilitation Services, encouraging them to experience residential service. PIRs from YTH were invited to introduce their hostel life and characteristics, enlightening the public about the recovery journey of PIRs! Anti-Epidemic Recovery Campaign The application of technology is one of the mediums to improve the quality of life among PIRs. The daily lives of our residents were inevitably affected during the pandemic. In order to reduce the risk of infection, the halfway house service restricted visiting arrangement and suspend groups and activities according to preventive and control measures of The Social Welfare Department. As more PIRs stayed idle without normal interaction due to social distancing measures, it negatively affected their personal health. Three halfway houses aligned with our agency’s strategy of “Six Ways of Personal Health Management” and received sponsorship from “Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care” of The Social Welfare Department to install technological devices, such as “Body Composition Analyser” to accurately assess the health conditions and ’Smart Robot” to serve PIRs. Furthermore, we took advantage of social media platforms to organise online groups and activities for service users, enhancing their physical and mental health. 抗疫復元新常態 科技應用是提升復元人士生活質素的重要媒 介。疫情下,復元人士在宿舍的生活大受影 響。根據社會福利署指引,為減低感染風險, 我們盡量減少非必要的院舍探訪及停止各項實 體的小組及活動。復元人士滯留院舍及閒餘的 時間增多,而社交距離限制人際互動,容易影 響個人健康。三間中途宿舍配合機構的策略性 主題 — 六個健康管理方式,同時獲社會福利 署「樂齡及康復創科應用基金」贊助各項科技產 品,運用高科技身體分析儀更準確評估及分析 復元人士的身體狀況;拓展智能機械人服務, 以幫助宿舍內復元人士。另外,宿舍利用網上 平台舉行多元化活動,有助維持復元人士的身 心靈健康。 職員與復元人士一同學習設計智能機械人服務。 Person in recovery (PIR) was learning how to set up the “Smart Robort” with staff. 透過網上平台舉行多元活 動,以維持復元人士的身 心靈健康。 Various activities were provided through online platforms to maintain the physical and mental health of persons in recovery (PIRs).