Annual Report 2021-22

76 精神健康綜合社區中心 Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness 本會營運兩間精神健康綜合社區中心,分別位 於九龍城的龍澄坊和元朗的朗澄坊,提供及早 預防以至危機管理的一站式、地區為本和便捷 社區支援及康復服務。 The Society operates two Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness (ICCMW), namely Vitality Place in Kowloon City and Placidity Place in Yuen Long, providing one-stop, district- based and accessible community mental health support service from early prevention to risk management in the serving districts. Service Overview 服務數據 Service Data 服務概覽 284 47 1,974 12 3,042 231 開展個案 / 重新開展個案 New/Reactivated cases 開展個案 / 重新開展個案(家屬) New/Reactivated cases involving families/Carers 外展探訪次數 Outreaching visits 998 累積會員人數 Active service users 個案(小家屬) Cases with casework counselling provided for children 外展探訪 / 辦公室面談次數 Outreaching visits/ Office Interviews 外展探訪 / 辦公室 面談次數(家屬) Outreaching visit/Office Interview (Families/Carers) 271 新增會員人數 New service users 19 1 1 203 34 460 節 sessions 5,463 治療性小組 Therapeutic Group 治療性小組(小家屬) Therapeutic Group for children 家屬心理教育小組(不少於四節) Psycho-educational Groups/Programmes for Carers (Not less than 4 sessions) 連繫及大型活動 Linkage and Programmes 家屬心理教育小組 / 活動 Psycho-educational Groups/ Programmes for Carers 興趣及支援小組 Interest and Supportive Groups 連繫及大型活動 (參加人數) Linkage and Programmes (no. of participants) 朗澄坊 Placidity Place