Annual Report 2021-22

77 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 朗澄坊復元實踐 — 灌注希望 社區音樂計劃 — 「你我充滿正能量」 該計劃獲得滙豐銀行社區夥伴計劃贊助,由 2020 年 10 月至 2021 年 8 月,舉行一系列社區音 樂活動,以保持人與人之間連繫。 789 位社區 人士及復元人士積極參與社區心靈樂、「創作 人」訓練班、音樂錄像製作及社區探訪,最後計 劃以「你我充滿正能量」感恩音樂會作結,冀促 進社區凝聚及推廣精神健康。復元人士以自身 經歷及感受為題材,創作歌曲「舞動水雲間」, 向聽眾分享得着。經過 10 個月的社區音樂交流 活動, 72% 參加者表示活動能帶出正面訊息, 有助提升身心健康。 HOPE—Recovery Implementation of Placidity Place Community Partnership Programme — “You and Me are full of Positive Energy” “You and Me are full of Positive Energy” was a project funded by HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme 2020. Placidity Place had organised Community Music programme titled “You and Me are full of Positive Energy” from Oct 2020 to August 2021. The community-based initiative programme binded 789 community members and persons in recovery (PIRs) together, including community music workshops, songwriter trainings, music video production and community visits which helped to promote mental wellness and social inclusion. Moreover, an original song composed by a group of PIRs, called “Dancing in the Cloud”, had been shared at the end of the “You and Me are full of Positive Energy” Community Music Concert to witness their transformation in life. After taking part in a series of Community Music programmes in 10 months, 72% of participants indicated that the programmes successfully sent positive message and gradually enhanced their resilience in fighting challenges. 「你我充滿正能量」參加者錄製創作歌唱的聲帶。 Participants of “You and Me are full of Positive Energy” prepared the sound-recording in the mini-studio. 通過社區探訪活動,復元人士與音樂治療師分享自創歌曲予家 庭服務中心服務使用者。 With music therapist, persons in recovery (PIRs) shared self- composing songs with service users of Integrated Family Service Centres (IFSC) through community visits. 朗澄坊 Placidity Place