Annual Report 2021-22

78 疫中有「澄」支援服務 疫情反覆,不少服務使用者既擔心受感染,又 對防疫資訊感到疑惑,影響日常生活。故此, 我們積極連繫不同社區網絡,前後共獲得 9 個 社區團體及持份者捐贈超過 700 份抗疫物資 包,及日用品,讓中心個案會員及復元人士感 受到社會的關懷及支援。 同時,朗澄坊亦製作了「疫澄希望」套裝,包括 圖文版的疫情資訊、自我照顧的練習影片、乾 花擺設及手繪擴香石頭,讓服務使用者透過五 感紓減壓力。另外,我們3月舉辦了「疫中有澄 — 相倚靠心自由」線上支援活動,藉播放同工 及服務使用者製作的打氣片段,及線上互動遊 戲,有助認識最新的防疫及身心健康資訊,在 隔離的生活中促進會員間的連繫。 Instilling Hope for Mental Wellbeing under the Threat of Pandemic During the COVID-19 pandemic, service users were not only worried about being infected, but also the insufficient resources in the community. They also felt helpless and confused about the preventive and protective measures of the Government. In order to provide care and support to our service users, Placidity Place had successfully liaised 9 community stakeholders and charity organisations to donate over 700 packages of anti-epidemic service bags and daily necessities. Moreover, “Hope in Pandemic Sweet Kit” and online programme had been prepared for the service users so as to release their stress and help them to understand the latest health information under the pandemic. 「你我充滿正能量」參加者錄製創作歌唱的聲帶。 Participants of “You and Me are full of Positive Energy” prepared the sound-recording in the mini-studio. 「疫澄希望窩心包」 : 資訊卡、窩心乾花束、手繪擴香 石頭。 “Hope in Pandemic Sweet kit” included information card of self-care strategies exercise, dried flowers bouquets and hand painted aroma diffusing stones.