Annual Report 2021-22

79 動物輔助介入服務計劃 朗澄坊於 2021 年獲得滙豐香港社區夥伴計劃 資助,提供為期 2 年的「動物輔助治療社區全方 位關顧計劃」。中心期望透過推行此計劃,既能 優化動物輔助介入的服務,又能持續累積服務 的工作經驗,從而支援地區精神復元人士、長 者及中學生。本年度中心成功連繫 3 所地區中 學,透過互動及體驗形式,為 60 位學生提供動 物入校活動,提升中學生及教職員對動物輔助 介入與精神健康的認知。同時活動有效接觸受 情緒困擾的學生,幫助他們探索個人成長及精 神健康的需要。 除此之外,朗澄坊亦為服務使用者舉辦 5 節動 物義工訓練課程,以及 4 節動物哀傷輔導治療 小組,共有 61 人次參與活動。透過動物輔助介 入手法,有助提升個人精神健康及社交技巧。 2021 年 11 月,本計劃舉辦「動物歡聚嘉年華」, 並邀請 6 個動物輔助介入的團體參與,提供講 座及攤位活動,開放復元人士及社區人士參 與,一起構建共融的社區環境。 Application of Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) Model With the support of HSBC Hong Kong Community Partnership Programme, Placidity Place had initiated a Community Care Project with adapting Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) model for PIRs and secondary school students in Yuen Long district. In order to promote mental wellness and AAI model to students and teachers, we established working relationship with 3 secondary schools, providing mental health programme with animals to over 60 students. The activities successfully reached to students with depression, helping to explore their needs of personal growth and mental health. Two workshops on volunteer training, bereavement and grief counselling were provided with a total of 61 attendances of participants which could facilitate their personal health and social skills. In November 2021, we had implemented programme on Animal Carnival and invited 6 AAI supporting organizations. Talks and booths were opened for PIRs and the general public so as to enhance community resilience. 將動物輔助介入手法帶入學校,提升學生參與動 機,探索他們個人成長及精神健康的需要。 To share Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) model at schools, it helps to motivate students to engage and explore their needs of personal growth and mental health. 匯進教育顧問公司主席尹瑞蘭女士及義工張寶兒小姐參與 動物歡聚嘉年華講座及攤位活動。而尹瑞蘭女士多年跟中心 合作,定期舉辦動物 café 及動物入校活動。 Ms. WAN Shui Lan, Chairman of Partnership Educational Consultancy, and Ms. CHEUNG who was a volunteer, participated in the sharing session and booth activities. Ms. WAN Shui Lan had cooperated with Placidity Place to run the animal café and provide Animal-Assisted Intervention (AAI) activity at schools.