Annual Report 2021-22

81 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 疫情下單位的支援性工作 疫情下為了支援服務使用者的需要,同工保持 電話聯繫和慰問,亦透過視像會議提供輔導和 小組服務,甚至轉贈不同機構送出的防疫物 資。此外,單位善用資訊科技提升服務質素, 包括向社會福利署樂齡及康復創科應用基金申 請,成功購置音樂治療系統及電子腦部訓練系 統。而且我們聯同香港聖公會九龍城青少年綜 合服務中心的青少年,創作一首名為「未知之 旅」的歌曲,為服務對象打氣。 善用地區撥款推動單位工作 為了持續宣揚「精神健康,你我關心」的訊息, 讓更多九龍城居民關注精神健康的重要性,單 位分別向社會福利署及九龍城區議會申請兩 個項目,名為「耆患逆元 — 年長照顧者自我關 懷計劃」和「友「營╱型」生活」,並分別獲撥款 港幣 $10,000 和港幣 $32,764 。「耆患逆元 — 年 長照顧者自我關懷計劃」與聖公會聖匠堂社區 Supportive Work during the Epidemic In order to support the needs of service users during the epidemic, our social workers kept connection and provided emotional support by phone, meanwhile, they provided counselling and group services through video conferences. Anti- epidemic materials which were donated by different organisations, were collected and sent to our service users. Moreover, we made good use of information technology to improve service quality, purchasing a Soundbeam system and a Brainastic system which was funded by “Innovation and Technology Fund for Application in Elderly and Rehabilitation Care” from The Social Welfare Department. We also co-created an original song called “ 未知之旅 ” with the youths of The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Kowloon City Children and Youth Integrated Service Centre to cheer up our members. Make Use of District Funding for Service Development In order to continuously promote the message of “Mental health, you and I care” and raise awareness of mental health issue among Kowloon City residents, we applied two funding proposals from The Social Welfare Department and The Kowloon City District Council, entitled “ 耆患逆元 — 年長照顧者自我關懷計劃 ” and “ 友 「營 / 型」生活 ”, receiving grants of HK$10,000 and HK$32,764 respectively. “ 耆患逆元 — 年長照顧者自我關懷計劃 ” cooperated 服務對象接收捐贈者之抗疫物資。 Members received anti-epidemic resource bags. 「未知之旅」音樂影片。 A cheer up song co-created by members and local youths. 龍澄坊 Vitality Place