Annual Report 2021-22

82 中心合作,透過一系列關顧身心靈的活動,帶 領「耆」年的病「患」照顧者在「逆」境中認識及照 顧自己的身心靈需要,建立他們從壓力、焦慮 及抑鬱情緒中復「元」的能力。「友「營╱型」生 活」則透過 4 大方向的活動系列,理論及實踐並 行,推廣健康飲食、運動減壓及疾病管理等知 識,鼓勵大家建立良好的生活習慣,提升對身 心健康的關注,藉此預防疾病及增加對疾病的 自我管理能力。兩項計劃分別有 113 名及 151 名 參加者,並有 211 名及 428 名的參與人次。 小家屬服務 本年度單位以不同介入手法如繪本、藝術及園 藝活動,提升兒童對情緒的認識及建立優質 的親子時間。同工亦透過不同的親子活動如 cooking joy 、親子園藝活動日、馬賽克燈工作 坊等,讓彼此建立回憶,提升親子關係。單位 亦積極與中環海濱扶輪社合作,舉行 STEM 編 程教學,以發展兒童潛能及提升兒童的解難 能力。 「童樂坊」計劃 我們獲香港救助兒童會資助「童樂坊」計劃, 為精神復元人士家庭的兒童及青少年提供一 系列培育正面情緒及家庭抗逆力的活動。本年 度「手偶創作小組」籌備了 5 本兒童繪本並印製 1,000 本,同時在會員協助下製作了 5 款手偶一 共 500 個。期後經招募及培訓義工,安排他們 到區內學校和社區機構運用手偶分享故事, 期望增加兒童對情緒的理解。最後「童樂坊」以 「童說童心嘉年華」作結,台上活動包括慶典儀 式、精神科醫生提供講座、義工繪本分享及表 演環節,台下則有 5 個遊戲攤位,及 1 個家庭拍 照區供參加者互動,冀提升市民對兒童精神健 康的關注。 with Sheng Kung Hui Holy Carpenter Church Community Center, providing a series of activities to recognise Elderly’s physical, mental and spiritual needs, and help them to recover from stress, anxiety and depression. “ 友「營 / 型」生活 ” held a series of activities in four directions to disseminate the knowledge of healthy diet, exercise, stress relief and disease management with an aim to establish good living habits, increase attention to physical and mental health, and increase self-management skills for diseases and prevention. There were 113 and 151 participants in the two projects respectively, with 211 and 428 participation rates. Children Mental Health Service We had used different intervention methods, such as picture books, art and gardening activities, to gain children’s knowledge of emotion and create parent-child quality time. Also, parents could experience with kids and co-create memories together by joining different programmes, included cooking joy, parent-child gardening day and mosaic light workshop. In addition, we cooperated with The Rotary Club of Central Harbourfront to hold STEM programmes, developing kids’ full potential and problem- solving skills. Rejoice Place With the support from Save the Children, the “Rejoice Place” project was granted to serve the children of PIRs. It not only aimed to cultivate positive emotions and family resilience, but also targeted to raise public’s awareness of children and adolescents’ mental health. We had provided a programme, namely ‘Puppet Making’, facilitating better understanding of emotion among children. 5 picture books were completed and printed in 1,000 copies. A total of 500 hand-made puppets also produced with the assistance of service users. Volunteers were recruited and trained for storytelling in the local schools and local organisations. Finally, the project completed successfully with the mass programme “ 童 說童心嘉年華 ”. On-stage activities included celebration ceremony, sharing by psychiatrist, story-telling by volunteers. On the ground, there were 5 game booths and a family photo corner which helped to increase the interaction of participants.