Annual Report 2021-22

86 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 不同種類的治療小組 臨床心理學家支援精神健康綜合社區中心和社 會康復及支援綜合服務中心,為復元人士舉辦 不同種類的治療小組,如認知訓練小組和失眠 小組。另外,我們也和不同地區的感化辦事處 與社會康復及支援綜合服務中心開設針對盜竊 習慣和性罪行的小組。 Group Work for PIR We supported Integrated Community Centres for Mental Wellness (ICCMWs) and Integrated Service Centres (ISC) to provide various therapeutic groups for persons in recovery (PIRs), including Metacognitive Therapy Group and CBT for Insomnia. In addition, we supported groups conducted by the probation offices in different districts and ISC which targeted compulsive stealing and sex offending problems. 參加者在盜竊小組創作的作品。 Artworks created by participants in the theft group. 會內外專業交流及培訓 我們為新入職的同工提供基本技能培訓,涵蓋 不同臨床主題,以加強前線工作。鑑於考慮到 少數族裔同工的訓練需要,臨床心理學家會跟 少數族裔服務合作,提供英語培訓,當中涵蓋 心理健康、精神疾病和基礎輔導手法等主題。 此外,臨床心理學家亦與本會其他部門合作, 為澳門社會工作局講授性罪犯的康復及介入 策略,亦為耆樂警訊服務義工講解如何辨析焦 慮、抑鬱及認知障礙症。 臨床心理學家於 2021 年 6 月為耆樂警訊 提供認識憂鬱,焦慮及認知障礙講座。 Clinical Psychologists conducted a talk with basic introduction of depression, anxiety, and dementia to the Senior Police Call in Jun 2021. Professional Trainings for Staff and External Audience To enhance frontline work, clinical psychologists conducted various professional training with clinical topics for new staff. According to the need of training among ethnic minority staff, clinical psychologists collaborated with Ethnic Minority Service to provide English-led training for them, covering topics of mental health, mental illness, and basic counselling skills. Besides, we cooperated with other service units to introduce the rehabilitation and intervention strategy to Macau Social Welfare Bureau. Meanwhile, we shared the ways to identify mental illness, like anxiety, depression and dementia, to volunteers from Senior Police Call. 臨床心理學家於 2021 年 11 月為少數族裔 同工進行心理健康及心理疾病基礎培訓。 Clinical Psychologists conducted mental health and mental illness basic training to ethnic minority staff in Nov 2021.