Annual Report 2021-22

91 龍澄坊復元人士為「你我充滿正能量感恩音樂會」製 作布袋紀念品。 Persons in recovery (PIRs) from Vitality Place created souvenirs bags for “You and Me are Full of Positive Energy Gratitude Concert”. 職業治療助理及導師帶領朗澄坊復元人士製作各種 以不織布製成的手作,例如八達通套。 Persons in recovery (PIRs) from Placidity Place were taught to make octopus cards by using non-woven fabric. 職業治療師向老師及同工介紹感覺統合,及到校職 業治療服務。 Occupational Therapist delivered a talk to teachers and professional workers on sensory integration and school- based Occupational Therapy Service.