Annual Report 2021-22

96 年度重點 Highlights of the Year 全職自由工作者「小強」在「職向」生涯規劃小組,與有特殊學 習需要的學生分享自身工作性質的「自由」與「不自由」,引導 學生探索多元出路。 Full-time freelancer “Siu Keung” shared with Special Educational Needs (SEN) students about the “Free” and “Not Free” of being a FREElancer in career planning group, guiding them to explore multiple pathways. 「製衣學徒計劃」的導師教授服務使用者基本的縫紉 技巧,更重要的是向他們灌輸職場文化與要求,提 高就業競爭力。 Trainer of “Garment Apprenticeship Scheme” taught service user some basic sewing skills hand over hand, as well as workplace culture and requirements, to enhance their employment competitiveness. 合作伙伴網絡發展 為感謝合作伙伴的支持,本會本年度提名 38 間 公司參加並成功獲香港社會服務聯會頒發「商 界展關懷」的標誌。 我們致力開拓僱主及合作夥伴網絡,本年度新 增 25 位僱主願意提供職位空缺,累積合作僱主 數目達 868 位。我們繼續與不同僱主合作,發 掘工作機會,包括展覽、搬運、倉務、客戶服 務、汽車美容、生物科技、資訊科技、市場推 廣、飲食、建築及清潔等。另外,我們為僱主 所聘用的服務使用者員工提供在職輔導,改善 其工作態度。本年,本會社企明朗服務有限公 司有 14 位員工接受支援服務。 我們與專做康健時裝(即是切合殘疾人士、長 期病患者、長者自理或照顧需要的服裝)的公 司合作進行四期「製衣學徒計劃」,導師教授服 務使用者一些基本的縫紉技巧,更重要的是向 他們灌輸職場文化與要求,提高他們的就業競 爭力。 Working Partner Network Development This year, our Society successfully nominated 38 corporations for “The Caring Company Scheme” of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in recognition of their long-term support to us. We strived to develop network with employers and working partners. This year, a total of 25 new employers provided job vacancies to our service users. The accumulated number of employers collaborated has increased to 868. We also received job opportunities offered by employers in different sectors including exhibition, transportation, warehouse work, customer service, car beauty, biotechnology, information technology, sales and marketing, catering, construction work and cleaning. In addition, we cooperated with employers to provide workplace counselling service for employees to improve their work attitude. This year, 14 employees of our social enterprise, Bright Services Company Limited received services. We partnered with a fashionable adaptive clothing company and co-organised four phases of “Garment Apprenticeship Scheme”. Instructors taught service users basic sewing skills, and introduced workplace culture and requirements, so as to enhance their employment competitiveness.