Annual Report 2021-22

97 另外,我們本年度擴展合作伙伴網絡,夥同僱 主與導師,與主流中學和特殊學校合作,為有 特殊教育需要的學生提供生涯規劃小組,以及 職場體驗,鼓勵他們探索多元出路,為未來作 準備。 「創勢代計劃」獲得民政事務局及青年發展委 員會支持,由青年發展基金轄下「粵港澳大灣 區青年創業資助計劃」資助,是《青創同行 We Venture 》旗下項目。藉提供多元化創業服務, 包括創業支援、資助及同行服務,從而啟發青 年的創業精神,培育他們的實踐能力,同時孕 育及商業化青年的初創點子。 計劃共收到 90 位青年報名參與,最終批出 13 隊 青年各獲資金港幣 $200,000 開展或擴展業務。 評審小組由專業人士、商界代表及機構代表組 成。透過面試申請人,評審小組就商業模式、 市場策略、財務管理、個人╱團隊質素及能 力,和計劃特色╱潛質五個範疇作出評估審批。 In addition, we expanded our network and partnership with employers and trainers, meanwhile, we cooperated with both mainstream and special schools, to provide students with special education needs (SEN) some career planning groups and workplace experiences, with the purpose to encourage their exploration of multiple pathways and preparation for the future. With the support of The Home Affairs Bureau and The Youth Development Commission, “Startup Generation” was sponsored by Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) under The Youth Development fund, running new projects under “We Venture”. The project strived for inspiring the youths’ entrepreneurial spirit, nurturing operation ability, incubating and commercialising their new established ideas by providing diverse entrepreneurial services, including entrepreneurial support, fund, and incubation services. The project received 90 applications from youths. Eventually, 13 teams won and each team could get a grant of HK$200,000 for their business startup or expansion. The panel of experts including representatives from business and social sectors, judged with 5 assessment criteria, which included business model, marketing strategy, financial management, individual/group quality and ability, and the business features/potential. 創勢代進行評審面試。 Startup Generation vetting Day. 僱主與本會職業輔導主任分享擴充業務及聘用 更生人士心得。 Employer shared the experience in expanding business and hiring service users with our Employment Officer.