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We promote crime prevention and health education to youth, high-risk groups, and the public. SideBySide provides multifarious programmes in the community, to strengthen positive values, thereby reducing the risk of law-violating behaviour of the youth and the public. We also promote body, mind and spiritual health and lifestyle management by reducing the users’ health endanger behaviour and rebuilding a healthy and responsible lifestyle.
Crime Prevention Service
School Education and Promotion
Community Education and Promotion
TeenGuard Valley - Crime Prevention Education Centre for Youth
Mock Trial Justice Education Project

Health Education Service
Mercury III Intensive Support and Preventive Programme for AIDS and Blood-borne Disease
Project PATHS - Preventive Education among Inmates & Supports to HIV+ Service
Project COMPASS - Cease Opioid, Methadone and Psychotropic substance Abuse Social Strategies
Project Care Mobile Net - Outreach Education and Voluntary Counselling Test
Project Member Special Mission - Let's start a D.A.T.E. (Development, Acceptance, Testing and Evaluation)