The Former North Kowloon Magistracy (a Grade 2 historic building) will be converted into the "NK Future" by The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong. The project will set up a universal judicial education centre to continue the judicial spirit and traditions of the Magistracy. It will also use the building as a starting point to connect the communities with heritage assets of the district, linking up traditional and new cultural resources so as to promote local culture and creative arts. A wide range of activities will be organised for the general public under four main themes, namely judicial education, Hong Kong culture, partnership and co-sharing, and leisure life. |
The 65th Annual General Meeting of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) was successfully held on 7th December 2022, with The Hon. Chief Justice Andrew CHEUNG, GBM, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal, Patron of SRACP and Mr. WONG Kwok-hing, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services, as the Guest-of-Honour. Almost 180 guests, including members of the Legislative Council (The Hon. Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, MH, JP, The Hon. Stanley LI Sai-wing, MH, Dr. Hon. TIK Chi-yuen, SBS, JP and Dr. Kennedy WONG Ying-ho, BBS, JP, who is a member of Executive Committee), Mr. WONG Kwok Chun, Alex, Assistant Director (Youth and Corrections) of Social Welfare Department, Mr. Steve LAU Hon-wah, SBS, BBS, CStJ, JP, Vice Patron of SRACP, Mr. YEUNG Chun-kuen, GBS, President of SRACP, The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of Executive Committee, guests, SRACP’s committee members and colleagues attended the ceremony with full support. Read More |
SRACP 65th Gala Spectacular was successfully held on 7th December 2022, with The Hon. Chief Justice Andrew CHEUNG, GBM, Chief Justice of the Court of Final Appeal and Mr. Paul LAM Ting-kwok, SBS, SC, JP, Secretary for Justice, as the Guest-of-Honour. Almost 220 guests, including Mr. WOO Ying-ming, SBS, CSDSM, Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption, Mr. WONG Kwok-hing, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services, members of the Legislative Council (The Hon. Vincent CHENG Wing-shun, MH, JP, The Hon. Carmen KAN Wai-mun, The Hon. LAM Chun-sing, The Hon. LAM San-keung, JP, The Hon. Edward LEUNG Hei, The Hon. Stanley LI Sai-wing, MH, Dr. Hon. TIK Chi-yuen, SBS, JP, Dr. Kennedy WONG Ying-ho, BBS, JP ,who is a member of Executive Committee and The Hon. YUNG Hoi-yan, JP ), Mr. Steve LAU Hon-wah, SBS, BBS, CStJ, JP, Vice Patron of SRACP, Mr. YEUNG Chun-kuen, GBS, President of SRACP, The Hon. Mr. Justice POON Siu-tung, Chairperson of Executive Committee, SRACP’s committee members, SRACP Benevolent Employers, guests and colleagues attended the Gala Dinner. Read More |
Congratulations to Jockey Club ‘Craft Your Life Together’ Co-living Community Project (JCCCP) in receiving ‘The Outstanding Future Project (Residential) – Merit’ of Build4Asia Awards 2022. The ceremony was held on 17th November, 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, JCCCP is a halfway house redevelopment project commenced in 2019. The redeveloped smart building, Jockey Club Key House, will be the first-ever co-living facility targeting out-of-home youths and persons in recovery. SRACP integrated the key elements of the Foyer Approach, a residential and developmental service concept for homeless youths from overseas, and the Recovery Model widely used in mental health service to create a brand new Synergistic Co-living Model. In addition to a new residential service, the new concepts were incorporated not only in the new co-living service, but also the building design to create a nurturing environment that best suits the needs of the two target groups. The redevelopment project is expected to complete in 2024, and a 3-year service implementation will be launched in the Jockey Club Key House afterwards. |
To celebrate SRACP's 65th anniversary and raise fund to support service development, "Go Green•Charity Yoga Day" was successfully held on 25 September 2022 (Sunday). During the opening ceremony of "Go Green‧Charity Yoga Day", Mr. Justice POON Siu Tung, Chairperson of Executive Committee, announced that Ms. Vivian KONG Man Wai was appointed as our Youth and Health Ambassador, hoping to strengthen the promotion of physical and mental health during the epidemic. Vivian loves to exercise in pursuit of healthy live and her concept completely coincides with SRACP. She was committed to supporting our Society and helping to strengthen the promotion of healthy life. She hopes to mobilise all sectors of society carrying out "Understanding and Unwavering" support to achieve the goal of "Being Healthy is Lifestyle" together! Vivian is a Hong Kong women’s epee fencer and Asian Fencing Championships winner in 2018 and 2022. In 2019, she became Hong Kong’s first fencer to win a world cup title. She also had been named in the Ten Outstanding Young Persons selection in 2021 and won Hong Kong Sports Stars Awards.
In recognition of its outstanding contributions in promoting high-quality social services and positive brand image over the years, The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) has been honoured with the“Extraordinary Branding Awards 2021” by JCI Queensway. Over the past 60 years, SRACP has been committed to providing quality rehabilitation and multifarious services to assist Hong Kong residents who are charged with a criminal offence, have been convicted of crimes, or released from prisons; as well as to provide community education, mental health service and crime prevention programmes for the general public of Hong Kong. Last year, the pandemic brought unprecedented to our community. SRACP made good use of information technology and social resources to launch innovative services, such as "Love Delivery Under COVID-19", "Happy Learning Thro’ Play", etc., to provide timely support for the disadvantaged groups to tide over the current difficulties. In the future, SRACP will continue to offer more quality and innovative services to the underprivileged. JCI Queensway puts up event posters at major MTR stations to commend the outstanding achievements of the winners in each category. For the details of Extraordinary Branding Awards 2021, please visit:
「賽馬會箕寓」動工儀式於6月2日順利完成,標誌新大樓的建築工程正式展開!本會承蒙香港賽馬會慈善信託基金捐助港幣約2.4億元,重建有25年歷史的筲箕灣宿舍成為「賽馬會箕寓」,並攜手推行本港首個以無法與家人同住的青少年(家外青年)和精神復元人士為對象的共住服務 -「賽馬會『拍住上』共居社區計劃」。大樓預計將於2023年落成。 |
SRACP has always attached great importance to the mental health of its staff, providing various resources and activities to promote mental health awareness and a positive workplace. We have recently signed the “Mental Health Workplace Charter” which is part of the on-going mental health promotion and public education initiative, with a view to building a mental health-friendly society in the long run, implemented jointly by the Department of Health, the Labour Department and the Occupational Safety and Health Council. Furthermore, we have been commended as a "Mental Health Friendly Organization of Excellence". As of April 30, 2021, 596 organisations, including the private sector, public bodies, educational institutions and NGOs, have signed the Charter. Detailed information please visit the following website : https://mentalhealthcharter.hk/en/index.html |
Congratulations to Bright Services Co., Ltd.(BS) to achieve the "Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme-Website Category" for three consecutive years of the Gold Award this year. The Scheme is organised by the Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited (HKIRC) and co-organised by the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, with the Equal Opportunities Commission as the independent advisor. The use of innovative technology in web design satisfies the needs of different people. Also, it promotes social integration and enhances the social image of BS. Bright Services Co., Ltd. is a non-profit social enterprise operating by the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong. It is committed to providing various services for companies, institutions and families. Congratulations again to BS for winning! |
Rotary E-Club of Tamar HK co-organised the Online Healthy Cooking Competition with SRACP from August 2020 to October 2020. There were 22 competitors from 7 Integrated Service Centres for Social Rehabilitation. In this competition, participants were using the multifunctional rice cooker sponsored by the Rotary E-Club of Tamar HK for fire-free cooking. Videos were submitted for judges to review their dishes with the theme of health and love. The Closing Ceremony cum Award Presentation was held in Hong Kong Revival Hub in the morning on 31st October, 2020. Heartfelt thanks to our honorable guests, including: The Assistant District Governor of Rotary E-Club of District 3450 (Ms. Cassy Cheng)
The 62nd Annual General Meeting of The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong (SRACP) was successfully held on 11th December 2019 at Duke of Windsor Social Service Building, with Dr. PANG Kin Kee, SBS, President of SRACP and Mr Woo Ying Ming, CSDSM, Commissioner of Correctional Services, as the Guest-of-Honour. Over 200 guests, including Social Welfare Department officials, representatives of Social Welfare Bureau of MSAR Government, partners, NGOs representatives, SRACP’s committee members, colleagues, volunteers, and service users attended the ceremony. |