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Our Society was recognized as the Manpower Developer at the 6th ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme (2016-18)

Our Society regards staff as an important human capital and is always committed to provide comprehensive training and development for them. It aligns with one of our core values to pursue excellence with a learning culture.

The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) launched the “ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme” (the Scheme) to recognize organizations which demonstrate outstanding achievements in manpower training and development as Manpower Developers (MDs). The assessment was divided into preliminary assessment and assessment interview. Four assessment criteria included leading a learning culture, resources planning, training and development system and performance management. Organizations that fulfill the criteria will be acknowledged as MDs within a two-year validity period, subject to renewal every two years. Our Society has been qualified as MD in the NGO category. The Award Presentation Ceremony was held on 19 May 2016.
