On 7th February 2023, Mr Chris SUN, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. HO Kai Ming, JP, Under Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. CHONG Tze Wai, Jonathan, Press Secretary to Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Miss FU Hiu Lam, Sammi, Political Assistant to Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Mr. FONG Siu Wai, Daniel, Admin Assistant to Secretary for Labour and Welfare, and Mr. YU Wai Yip, Ricky, District Social Welfare Officer (Sham Shui Po), visited our centre- Kowloon West Integrated Service Centre for Social Rehabilitation & Community Support. During the visit, our Chief Executive, Ms. Anthea LEE, introduced SRACP’s services which serve the unprivileged groups, including ex-offenders, persons in recovery, ethnic minorities, disadvantaged youths, etc. We also invited our peer supporters and service users including youths and ethnic minorities to have a direct communication with the Secretary, Under Secretary and other representatives, who shared their needs and expectation of social welfare services on behalf of their groups. |
9 trainees from “Training Scheme in Common Law 2021-2022” visited our head office on 26th May 2022. During the visit, our Chief Executive, Ms. Anthea Lee, introduced SRACP’s multifarious services footprint along the criminal justice system. She also highlighted the concept and vision of rehabilitation services and the importance of the crime prevention services in Hong Kong. |
10 trainees from “Training Scheme in Common Law 2019-2020” visited our head office on 12th June 2020 to learn more about integrated service for ex-offenders and crime prevention service in Hong Kong. The officials come from different government departments in the Mainland. During the visit, our Chief Executive, Ms. Anthea Lee, introduced our agency's multifarious service footprint along the criminal justice system, also highlighted the importance of the crime prevention services in Hong Kong. This sharing has given the Mainland officers an impressive and good understanding of the development and the role of social service. |
Trainees from the 39th “ICAC Chief Investigators' Command Course” visited our TeenGuard Valley Crime Prevention Education Centre, with the ICAC Principal Investigator, Mr Jamie Fung on 27 November 2019, to learn more about the crime prevention service in Hong Kong. |
Organized by the Department of Justice, fourteen visiting Mainland officials from different department visited us on 27th May 2019 to exchange views and experience in respect of matters relating to the rehabilitative services, crime prevention and related service for ex-offenders of Hong Kong. |
Six visiting mainland officials from the Mainland Justice Bureaux visited us on 26th March 2019 to exchange views and experience in respect of matters relating to the rehabilitative services for ex-offenders of Hong Kong and the Mainland. The visitors also have a tour at Chuk Yuen Revival Hub, the integrated service centre for social rehabilitation & community support centre, to learn more about the work of integrated service for ex-offenders. |
Eight visiting mainland officials from Shanghai Prison visited us on 8th January 2019 to exchange views and experience on the rehabilitative services for ex-offenders in Hong Kong and the Mainland. During the discussion, the officials had better understanding on the services and scopes of our Society and the collaboration between SRACP and Hong Kong Correctional Services Department (CSD), as well as an overview of implementation of the new projects like ‘SoUK’ the social housing programme. The visitors also have a tour at Hong Kong Revival Hub, the integrated service centre for social rehabilitation & community support centre. |
Eight visiting mainland officials from different Mainland Justice Bureaux visited us on 5th June 2018 to exchange views and experience on the rehabilitative services for ex-offenders of Hong Kong and the Mainland. |
The Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Dr Law Chi-kwong, visited SOUK housing unit of the Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention, Hong Kong, in Yau Ma Tei on 18th May, 2018 to learn the rationale and implementation schedule of the project and to be guided around the unit facilities. During the visit, Dr. Law chatted with the residents there to have understanding on the living conditions and to get feedbacks and views from the rehabilitated persons. |
The Korea Correctional Service staff paid a visit to SRACP on 17th May 2018. To get understanding on the scope of services and the development of SRACP, they visited Yau Ma Tei Revival Hub, Volunteer Development Service and Health Education Service. Our staff and the Korea Correctional Service staff shared NGO experiences of two places and exchange professional knowledges in regard to the services that support ex-offender. In the meeting, projects of social rehabilitation and crime prevention service were introduced to guests and later, guests proceeded to the SOUK housing unit, accompanied by our staff. |
The Secretary for Security, Mr John Lee, SBS, PDSM, PMSM, JP visited Tai Po Revival Hub on March 23, 2018 to listen a briefing on the services provided by the Centre and to chat with service users during meeting. In the conversation, Mr. Lee was informed about the social needs and he encouraged the service users to actively reintegrate into society and establish a positive outlook on life. |
上海市司法局局長陸衞東先生及上海市司法局法制處(研究室)處長(主任)葉林先生於2018年3月22日到訪本會,並就更生人士之康復政策、預防犯罪及相關服務等作交流及討論。 陸局長對本會之戒毒服務、朋輩輔導及閒暇管理方面作深入了解及交換意見。雙方期盼未來有更多合作及交流的機會,努力建設包容而安全的社會。 |
廣東省佛山市順德區政府辦公室及政法委領導於2017年12月28日到訪本會,進行香港與內地粵珠三角地區社會服務的交流。到訪領導表示,是次交流增強了他們對本港社區矯正領域的認識,並促進更生人士服務的提升,本會相信未來與廣東省佛山市順德區將有更多合作空間及交流。 |
中國司法部副部長劉志強先生於2017年12月11日率領訪問團到訪香港善導會,雙方就兩地更生人士服務的現況及發展進行富建設性的交流。經本會機構傳訊及社區教育高級經理李冠美女士的簡介後,劉志強副部長進一步肯定本會的工作,並期望將來可更緊密合作及溝通。 |
Oakland University arranged a trip for their Bachelor of Social Work students to study social welfare development in Hong Kong. On 21 July 2017, her professor brought along 11 students to visit our TeenGuard Valley Crime Prevention Education Centre. During the visit, they learnt more about our agency’s diversified service, including offender rehabilitation, mental health service and especially the crime prevention services. Professor and students were very impressed with the involvement of ex-offender in our service, as well as, the unique facilities in TeenGuard Valley (i.e. maze and mock jail). |
Deputy Director-General of Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Justice, Mr. Wang Xie visited SRACP for understanding the rehabilitative services for ex-offenders. Mr. Wang acknowledged the contribution of SRACP in maintaining a safe city by preventing re-offending. Besides, Mr. Wang raised the speedy development in Shanghai and enterprise contribution in government initiatives supporting offender’s employment and social needs. We are looking forward for more sharing and interflow in future. |
上海青浦區關愛社工事務所理事長連同社工於2016年9月23日探訪龍澄坊,主要了解香港善導會精神健康服務,包括中途宿舍及精神健康綜合社區中心的服務內容及對象。本會社工介紹復元模式、優勢為本如何應用在龍澄坊的個案輔導服務及小組活動上,並介紹過往所採用的多元介入手法,例如攝影、園藝、寵物、藝術、舞動治療及身心靈治療性小組等,並由朋輩支援員介紹朋輩支援服務及分享她的復元故事。 參加者表示非常滿意是次交流活動,讓他們更認識香港現時精神健康的服務及介入手法。其次,他們表示上海現時的社會福利服務仍在發展階段,因此是次經驗讓他們獲益良多,並希望日後能邀請香港善導會職員到他們中心去分享及參與督導工作。 |
由中國監獄工作協會、香港善導會及陝西省監獄管理局聯合主辦的2016國際研討會“預防犯罪、更生康復與矯正-- 經驗、策略與前瞻”,於2016年5月25日至27日在中國古都西安完滿結束。 來自澳洲、新加坡、日本、韓國、香港以及國內各省份的監獄界、司法界、社會康復的學者和專業人士相互交流。本會代表團投入參與,廣結友好,共同探討研究預防犯罪、更生康復與矯正的經驗、策略與挑戰。 |
Mr GAN Zangchun, Deputy Director of the Legislative Affairs Office of China’s State Council, Mainland China (國務院法制辦公室副主任甘藏春先生), and Mr Ming Jun (國務院法制辦公室秘書行政司綜合處副處長明俊先生) visited TeenGuard Valley Crime Prevention Education Centre on 24thNovember, 2014. They were accompanied by Miss Trista Lee, Executive Officer from DoJ (律政司行政主任(探訪事務組)李怡蓓女士) . |
國內推動社區矯正工作,由廣東省青年聯合會主席曾頴如率領代表團於2014年8月20日到訪本會,總幹事吳宏增先生及高級經理陳俊佳先生接待及講解本會在青少年社區矯正的工作和經驗、與懲教署之間的合作、以及介紹本會轄下的社會企業─明朗服務有限公司,為更生人士提供工作機會,讓他們重返社會。透過是次交流,雙方對兩地更生人士服務有更深入的認識。 |
本會職業發展服務和富湛有限公司合作的伙伴計劃「富湛」朝陽 – 善導團隊助更生 2013年度的商界展關懷活動中被選為社區展示項目之一,此計劃主要為在囚人士提供就業技能培訓,及為更生人士提供就業機會、在職訓練和輔導,幫助更生人士培養良好… |
由國際主辦單位-國際社會工作學院聯盟(IASSW)、國際社會福利協會(ICSW)及國際社 會工作人員協會(IFSW)及本地主辦單位之一之香港社會服務聯會主辦為期五天的2010聯合 世界大會已於2010年6月14日完滿結束,是次大會共有2,800多名來自100多個國家之參加… … |
預防犯罪海報設計比賽得獎者與頒獎嘉賓大合照。策劃及發展總監與講者交流工作經 驗。本會主席湯寶臣法官神采飛揚地出席。講者及頒獎嘉賓與本會職員合照… … |
鑒於近年青少年行為問題日趨嚴重,為使校長、老師、青少年工作者及家長清楚知道 ,當青少年因犯罪被捕所面對相關的司法程序,本會法院社工服務於28-12-2009舉行了 「青少年犯罪—法律制度及司法程序」專輯講座。當日邀請了香港警務處林紹華總督… |
本會社區教育服務於本年再次獲得優質教育基金贊助,舉辦一項名為「3D教室」的教 育計劃。這項計劃把創新科技Playmotion光影互動系統與生命教育結合,將創意與預防 犯罪教育工作融合,透過 「真人真事」經歷分享,觸動學生的心靈,並藉著影像和聲… |