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Jockey Club ‘Craft Your Life Together’ Co-living Community Project (JCCCP) was awarded the ‘The Outstanding Future Project (Residential) – Merit’ of Build4Asia Awards 2022

From left: Ir. Terence YAU Lap-yan, member of JCCCP Building Committee, Ms. Anthea LEE, Chief Executive of SRACP, Dr. Peter COOKSON SMITH, Build4Asia Judging Panel, Mr. Jeff FAN, Project Architect, and Mr. Jo Kenneth TSE, Building Project Manager.

Congratulations to Jockey Club ‘Craft Your Life Together’ Co-living Community Project (JCCCP) in receiving ‘The Outstanding Future Project (Residential) – Merit’ of Build4Asia Awards 2022. The ceremony was held on 17th November, 2022 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

Funded by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, JCCCP is a halfway house redevelopment project commenced in 2019. The redeveloped smart building, Jockey Club Key House, will be the first-ever co-living facility targeting out-of-home youths and persons in recovery. SRACP integrated the key elements of the Foyer Approach, a residential and developmental service concept for homeless youths from overseas, and the Recovery Model widely used in mental health service to create a brand new Synergistic Co-living Model. In addition to a new residential service, the new concepts were incorporated not only in the new co-living service, but also the building design to create a nurturing environment that best suits the needs of the two target groups. The redevelopment project is expected to complete in 2024, and a 3-year service implementation will be launched in the Jockey Club Key House afterwards.

Jointly organised by Build4Asia and PRC Magazine, the Build4Asia Awards celebrate the achievements, developments and innovations within the building industry. The awards honour developers, architects, interior designers, contractors, engineers, local authorities, etc., who have demonstrated professional excellence in their services and have contributed to a quality and sustainable built environment.