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So Uk Project
SRACP collaborates with landlords, organisations, professionals and donors to develop the ‘So Uk’ Project to provide a safe and quality living environment to ex-offenders and deprived groups who have urgent housing needs. We also help service users to enhance independent living skills and capabilities through workshops and activities. Our ultimate goal is to help them transit to a successful, independent and meaningful living in the community.

Download application form

Target Services Users
  • Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above;
  • ‘So Uk’ units target ex-offenders while ‘So Uk 2.0’ units target individuals from different age groups and backgrounds
  • Applicants of Public Rental Housing, people who live in subdivided units, and people who are defined as having urgent housing need by Project’s Social Workers.
  • Persons who agree with the concept of co-living and co-housing and the obligation of sharing duties and responsibilities, as well as committed to carrying out personal development plan.
Scope of service
Individual Support Service: Social workers to provide individual support including counselling services and therapeutic programmes, etc. in matters related to accommodation and personal development.
Independent living skill workshops: A variety of workshops including cooking and healthy eating, household management, financial planning and management, small-scale home maintenance, etc. are offered to help enhance residents’ independent living skills and personal capacities.
Activities: Resident meetings, festive celebrations, voluntary activities, sharing and social gatherings are organised by Social Workers or initiated by residents to enhance a sense of belonging, and encourage communications and interactions.
Community and volunteering activities: Residents are encouraged to participate in community inclusion and volunteering activities to serve the others with an aim to help them integrate into the community and establish a social support network.

Monthly accommodation expenses include:

  1. Accommodation fee / rent is set in reference to the CSSA rent subsidy;
  2. Water and electricity are charged based on actual usage of different units;
  3. Sundry is charged in some units based on operation need.
*The fee may vary according to the type of ‘So Uk’ units.
Application and Withdrawal
Application: Referral by Social Worker or individual submission are both accepted. All applications will be handled by responsible unit for assessment.
Period of tenure: Accommodation is set on a one-year basis, and will be reviewed every year. Project Social Worker will review service users’ accommodation needs and rehabilitation progress from time to time; and make recommendation on extension if necessary.
Withdrawal: Based on specific clauses on residential agreements, residents may terminate service voluntarily at any juncture of the service process, while Project Social Workers could also terminate the service upon professional judgment and mutual agreement made with the service users.
Features of ‘So Uk’ units (*Chinese version only)


Yau Ma Tei (2017)

Yau Ma Tei (2018)

Staunton Street, Central (So Uk 2.0) (2020)

Yau Ma Tei So Uk Central Staunton Street (So Uk 2.0)
Yau Ma Tei Revival Hub
2/F, 402 & 404 Shanghai Street, Yaumatei, Kowloon.
Email: ymtrh@sidebyside.org.hk
Tel: (852) 2384 3100 
Fax: (852) 2384 3155 
Contact person: Mr. Kwan
Hong Kong Revival Hub
G/F., Li Chit Garden, 1 Li Chit Street, Wanchai, Hong Kong. 
Email: hkrh@sidebyside.org.hk
Tel: (852) 2866 7867
Fax: (852) 2865 6448
Contact person: Mr. Chan



Yau Ma Tei So Uk (2017)

  • 主題:男性更生人士
  • 開展年份:2017年7月
  • 設計:開放式,8個單身宿位
  • 單位特色 :「甦屋」的基本設計以增加住客的私人空間和自尊感出發,在油麻地「甦屋」的設計上,建築師和設計師特別加強安全和私隱的考慮,包括加設通往上格床的層級,及加多了儲物的櫃桶,讓服務使用者在優質設施下學習整理個人生活。而單位內亦設有一個飯廳的共用空間,以促進住客們的互動和交流。
    • 改裝為兩個洗手間,方便住客輪流使用。
    • 開放式廚房,可進行簡單煮食;設有餐枱,可讓彼此交流及社工安排聚會活動。
    • 床依牆邊興建,屋內保留中間的空間,讓更多光線透入,以減低用電及提昇朝氣,令生活更健康。
    • 組合式床櫃設計可配合單位間隔及降低建造成本,上下格床各自有不同方向入口,住戶作息彼此不受騷擾,提供私隱空間,同時有飯廳的共用空間供住戶交流。
    • 每人亦有一張屬於自己的桌子,是個人的小空間,讓生活更有尊嚴。
    • 每人亦有一個上鎖的衣櫃,而井然有序的儲藏櫃組給人條理分明的感覺,以整理住家作為梳理生活的基本步,並配合住客的基本生活需求和心理需要。

Yau Ma Tei So Uk (2018)

  • 開展年份:2018年10月
  • 設計:開放式,8個單身宿位
  • 單位特色 : 延續2017年第一間「甦屋」的設計概念,從增加住客的私人空間和自尊感出發,建築師和設計師特別加強安全和私隱的考慮,包括加設通往上格床的層級,及加多了儲物的櫃桶,讓服務使用者在優質設施下學習整理個人生活。而單位內亦設有一個飯廳的共用空間,以促進住客們的互動和交流。
    • 改裝為兩個洗手間,方便住客輪流使用。
    • 開放式廚房,可進行簡單煮食;設有餐枱,可讓彼此交流及社工安排聚會活動。
    • 床依牆邊興建,屋內保留中間的空間,讓更多光線透入,以減低用電及提昇朝氣,令生活更健康。
    • 組合式床櫃設計可配合單位間隔及降低建造成本,上下格床各自有不同方向入口,住戶作息彼此不受騷擾,提供私隱空間,同時有飯廳的共用空間供住戶交流。
    • 每人亦有一張屬於自己的桌子,是個人的小空間,讓生活更有尊嚴。
    • 每人亦有一個上鎖的衣櫃,而井然有序的儲藏櫃組給人條理分明的感覺,以整理住家作為梳理生活的基本步,並配合住客的基本生活需求和心理需要。

Staunton Street, Central (So Uk 2.0)
So Uk Multi-generational Co-living Housing Project


  • 共6個一房及兩房單位,每單位4至5人共住,共24個宿位
  • 毗鄰元創坊及大館,提供優良的文娛及個人發展配套
  • 跨代共住,為獨居人士建立模擬家庭支援網絡,加強彼此在生活和情感上的連繫,助人自助
  • 共享空間設有共享告示板、共享儲物櫃、無線網絡、電視、電腦、健身、樂器及桌上遊戲等設施,鼓勵跨代交流和支援
  • 節慶活動、生活技能小組、個人發展工作坊及知識交流活動等,協助住戶獨立生活,促進社交技能和發展
  • 社區和義工活動,鼓勵住戶連繫社區,提昇歸屬感,發掘地區資源和建立支援網絡
  • 特設共享空間,為住戶提供多元化的設施,並會經常舉行群體活動
  • 住宿單位內基本家具及電器齊備